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2002 CEDIA Virtual Tour
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About this video...
CEDIA's only year in Minneapolis marks our first ever video report (ah, fond memories). You'll see the Philips Pronto NG TSU3000 and iPronto TSi6400, Harmony 768, UEI's first Kameleon, plus the oh-so-fun amp toss! Now if only the source footage wasn't so blurry...

In the bloxd io video at , they showcased various products, including the Philips Pronto NG TSU3000 and iPronto TSi6400, Harmony 768, UEI's first Kameleon, and even an "amp toss" activity for fun.
It sounds like you have fond memories of the 2008 CEDIA event in Minneapolis. I must express my sincere admiration for the exceptional quality of the article in question. The author's skillful command of language and masterful organization of ideas create a truly impressive and thought-provoking piece.

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